
Friday, February 17, 2012

Solitude: A Prompt (BFF 168)

BFF Prompt

Time is a bridge between the collective moments that gather after the duties of the day are complete, the chores are done, and the complications of life are set aside that allow for solitude. The quiet place where disturbances are minimized, and the absence of human contact allows thoughts to organize themselves comfortably into our file cabinet mind. Time to process thoughts, write, dream, and focus on the things that are important. This is necessary for me if I am going to function productively in a sea of people later on.

While solitude is important, too much time inside my own head is dangerous. It can become difficult to step out of the shadows and into the light: balance becomes imperative! 

Morgue File Photo
It is possible to become such a hermit that climbing behind the safety of  private walls leads to isolation: a cold space that is an all too familiar friend. At this stage, solitude melds with loneliness, and can become a cage, rather than a stage for exercising the freedom to be content with some time to yourself. 

Solitude, it is a little of both for me.


  1. Very well stated. Precise and honest. My kind of piece. ♥

    1. Thank you Jo... I am working on a badge for you... one you most certainly have earned! ;-) Might not be done until tomorrow, but it will be soon! :-)

  2. I can certainly relate. I have to be careful because I like solitude a little too well.... I have always said that I would make a great hermit! I too have to be careful to maintain a balance. However, it is probably too late for me. Except for my husband, family and internet friends, I have pretty much retired from the world at large...

    1. It's never too late, the question is, do you want to let anyone else in now? ;-) I am around many people during my working hours, and I enjoy that. I also enjoy coming home and "shutting the world out"... perhaps then, too much. I have a few friends that keep me from becoming a hermit now, but there was a time, when I did, and did it well! Thank you for the contribution Darlene, it's nice to know you're here.

    2. I had to think about this and my answer is that - no - I don't want to let anyone else in now. My career was in HR, so I pretty much had 36 years of people with needs yammering at me. I had some friends at church, but it seemed that they were too needy and looked to me to solve their needy problems. (codependents) Life is nice with just hubby and I, family and internet friends. It's all good.

    3. I wonder if this just happens as a natural means over time to people who spend time in their careers on the "front lines". I can sure relate to the imbalance of co-dependence. Good addition Darlene:-)

  3. Wonderful piece about solitude! I have become something of a hermit myself, but on reflection I realize I may have always been one.


    1. I think there is a part of those people who are, that remains within, no matter what the circumstances on the outside become.

      Thanks Kathay, for coming by!

  4. nice write, k. i hear that... for me too, sometimes it can be hard to step outside of the shadows.

    1. (smiles). Thank you d~ I can believe that of you. But you sure shine when you do :-)

  5. I have to say that the hermit life is my favorite. It is a daily push to make myself get out and do. I am here by way of A to Z. Looking forward to reading more.

    1. Hello there V. I am looking forward to getting out and perusing more this weekend myself, your blog will be the first one I stop by! :-)

  6. One joke we have in the house recently whenever someone would refuse to go and choose to stay in front of the PC instead is, "You're becoming an anti-social!" lol!

    I am so done with all the partying or being in a big crowd like church congregation.I guess we all go through different phases in life and to some of us, we just reach that point that solitude might be better than being in good company. I wouldn't mind going out of my cave for a substantial conversation over a cup of coffee or a more genuine company :)

    Thanks for your honest take on this topic :)

    1. Thank you Feathered one. I like the "substantial conversation" too, and a cup of coffee goes well with it. :-)

  7. I don't know about being alone in your head is dangerous. It allows you to write.. without being alone we'd not see your words or come to know you from miles and miles away. Solitude is necessary for the creative, from the woman, for the person, for anyone who needs too peel back the day and find peace. Thoughtful and inspiring. I need to hide from the family now and write..

    1. True enough, that the time is a working story in progress. I have had a lot of it, and many words as a result. I will keep this perspective in mind as I make use of the solitary moments.

  8. I agree with you, in that getting caught inside your mind can be a dangerous place. Yes it is where I have to go to write, but it can mean that I forget everything else including eating, or drinking or even talking to a real person!

    1. I am a bit of an extremist when it comes to getting inside my head, but I do write a lot. I write even in the middle of conversations with real live people! (grinZ) I just do it quietly in my head, then think about the moment I will have to write it down again. Maybe it's the way we are wired... words... minds... thinkers... writers!

  9. Great post. I enjoy the company of family and friends but there are moments in the day when I like my solitude too. I think in the last few months I've done more solitude than socialising - time to get out and about.

    1. It is about the balance isn't it Suzy? :-) Thank you for taking the time to read and respond. It's time for me to get out too! :-)


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